Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Moving out blog this style!

So your all grown up,
And your moving out.
(Or want to)
But where to start?...

I moved out nearly a year ago now.
And i was the first of my friends to do so.
So when it came to advice- all i had was what others much older then me had experienced,And many of them had moved out by themselves,not with someone else let alone a boyfriend. (or girlfriend)
People have different opinions about moving in with a partner,
Some say it ruins the relationship,
Others say that it strengthens it.
But It all really depends on what your relationship was like before you decided to live together.

Either way your still moving out.
So from me- a first time mover-out-er a year on.
to you. 

1-Remember when your parents stressed over "bills needing to be paid soon so no neysha you can not have that dress,I don't care if it is only $30!"
Yer,I know that's a no brainer but the reality will hit you when you move out..cause banks,and real estate agents and optus...they don't give a flying dollar about you having nothing to wear to that party on Saturday!
Lesson-Sadly, every $ counts.

2- An extension of this- My other always used to say "1+1 is 2,2=2 is 4 and with $4 i cant buy bread and milk." I used to hate this and when she said it I'd mimic yer doing so.
Lesson-even the necessities like bread and milk can can you get by those 3-4 days after the money has run out and before you get paid again.
Tip- cheese brevelles(toasted sandwich),effortless,cheap and easy on the wallet.

3-Before moving out: try to put aside some money for stuff like transport, (especially if your moving to a different area) Personal care Items ( sanitary, toothpaste deodorant)
Just in case.
Lesson: Be prepared (as much as you can)
Tip- if you know you have a month or a few weeks till you move out ask a trusted friend to hold on to your spare cash for you so you don't have a chance of spending it. 

4- If you know your moving out and you have time to plan. Be organised!
The amount of stuff that you forget is crazy.
 Write down what you need, designate boxes,bags or crates for them and if you have room- lay them out so you can easily add things as you remember them.
Tip- Labels and Lists! a movers best friend.
and clear crates-they coast around $15 from K-mart,best so that you can see what's in there and what's not. 
Label each box clearly.

5- (if moving in with a partner) A big shock came for me when i realised i couldn't decorate how i wanted to when moving in with my Partner.
No more Chanel photos on the wall or photos of cows.
Realise that your living with someone else. And and if this person is a partner they may love you,but they haven't lived with you Carrie said "tone down the crazy"
Tip- before you move,take all your pictures and posters (and cows =]) down and live like its not your room.
get used to the idea.

6- (if moving in with a partner) Your living with someone- most of the time they are going to be with you.
Tip-Don't be afraid to ask for ten Min's of you time.
Its a matter of sanity.
(as demonstrated By Carrie Bradshaw =D)

7-If your moving out and living By yourself, keep a support group of friends & family (also a good idea with a partner..just in case) Even if yo don't want your family to have your address or phone number give it to a trusted friend.
Just in never know what could happen.
Tip- Don't be afraid to call for help,or help lines like Home Ground Services Tel 1800 048 325 or Relationships Australia Tel. 1300 364 277

8-Make sure that your uni or tafe,work place, centrelink,medi-care etc Knows your new address.
So that any mail will get sent to your new place without a fuss.
 Australia Post offers a Mail Redirection service.
Tip-make sure you know the correct address,and postcode-check it on the Australia post website.

9-BUDGET!!!- Unless your moving in with someone who's already got everything then your going to have to buy it and its going to cost more then you think.
I'm talking about frying pans, microwave, cutlery, plates everything!
Tip- Find out if your eligible for government services for example-centerlink. or take out a loan ->;(only use if you know your job is stable, you don't have another way and you can pay it back)

10-If your signing a lease be careful. read every single document put in front of you and if you have a friend that knows more about the legal side of moving,take them with you.
Tip-Don't receive the papers,look at them and sign. Don't try and read them in front of the owner-they will try and pass off everything and distract you so you sign anyway.
Take it a coffee spot-or to that friend and read it there. make sure you know the agreement your making before you even think about signing.

12- When looking for a place, especially if you don't drive-make sure its near public transport, hospital, supermarket.
Tip- usually the places that are more convenient and close to facilities are more pricey-but its worth your safety

13- If your renting-they like you to have the first 2 weeks (maybe more) plus bond money. which is often alot of money. If you can save 1 week more then you need plus bond,that way your a week ahead,they love you and those first 3 weeks away from the comfort of home arnt so stressful. 

14- when paying your rent,make sure you have it documented that you did in fact pay it,the correct amount,and when you payed it. It's happened to a friend before.
It's just easier if you keep a record of these payments as you go.
Tip-get a check book (only for the rent)

15-Write down everything you buy.
After a while you'll figure out what you need regularly-so its easier to budget for them.
Tip-do this for the first month or so,so you can see what changes when your pay includes bonus' etc. 

16- Spread sheets are always a good idea!make one each month and stick to it. has templates.
Tip- print of your spread sheet and when the month is finished-paste it into a book. This helps you see whats working in your budget and what you might need to change in your second year of freedom.

17- When packing Keep coat hangers on your clothes, collect bunches by the handles, then tie the handles tightly with string. Make a small (careful) hole at the bottom of a garbage bag and poke the handles through the hole, the pull it over your clothes. = you don't have to re-hang it,your clothes arnt sitting in boxes for weeks,and their protected while you move.

18- When moving-don't try and cut corners buy doing it your self. it may cost you nothing but it will take alot longer...that's what that cute friend of yours with the ripped abs is there for. ;P 
Tip- have furniture to move too? and lots of boxes? no van? Bunnings!!!! You can hire a trailer for around $50 ph.

20-Before you sign the lease,agree to rent,or buy the place. INSPECT IT! go through it like your grand mother would things like windows not opening,loose door hinges-nothing to worry about just ask them to fix it before you move in.

21- Need things like a dryer,mirowave etc and don't have the money for it yet? rent it! places like radio rentals can do short term rentals like a day-week-month etc. and they are very cheap and reasonable.

22- before you move in-Ask Questions. Often agents will try to "miss" things,they quote the cost of rent as a weekly but it's charged monthly. make sure you know and understand everything!

23- Insurance! Buy a home & contents insurance policy. They are reasonably cheap and will protect you from burglary etc. If you get locks installed on your windows and doors and an alarm, you can expect to pay around $40 per month.
 Tip- to get an online estimate.

24- health insurance! Its not expensive at all-Basic health insurance is the best way to ensure your protected from being stuffed if something comes along. Basic insurance will cost around $10 per week.(depending on your ages,health history etc) If your under 30 its usually alot cheaper.

25- when renting- remember  that rent can be raised at anytime! try and factor this into your budget.

26- thing like linens, crockery, pots and pans, bookshelves etc can sometimes be right in front of you-your parents. The always have spare stuff that they received as a poor choice of wedding gift. it doesn't have to be gorgeous its only till your on your feet.

27- when packing-Pack an "open first" box! this is stuff that your going to need like dish washing liquid, a sponge, a roll of paper towels,toilet paper etc

28- Make a "moving file"- for paper work-like moving tuck receipt and reservation,contact info for owner,landlord...And keep it at the front door in sight so you dont pack it! write in big perment text if you have too...when i had too =p

29- Try to Avoid getting boxes from super markets or places that sells food. Chances are these will have insects or eggs inside.
Tip-Try liquor stores, Offices or office supply stores they are alot stronger and good for carrying heavy books.

30- When packing frames,paintings etc-Pillow cases are a great help.

31- if your using a moving company let the movers unpack the truck when you arrive. If anything is broken they hold the liability and will pay. If you help they don't have to. Mean i know but this the world we live in!

32- this seems silly to say. But trust me-learn before you move.
somethings you can learn as you go, others-no.
ASK your mum how the washing machine works. The last thing you need is to have it break cause you used it the wrong way!

33- before you move try to take an Inventory of your stuff.
this may be alot-but try just incase something gets "misplaced" by movers.

34- Before moving-take photos of expensive items like plasma screen TVs, antic mirrors, wolverine action figures (shh =p)
again so that if they go "missing" or if they get damaged. you can prove that it happened before the move.

35-If your using a moving company ask around for a good price. (use those...eyelashes! =p) Ask then how they pack delicate items like glass,mirrors etc.

36- moving is the perfect time to clean out all the stuff you haven't worn or used in years. Places like The Smith Family or The Salvation Army are happy to take unwanted items that are in good condition.

37- If you drive and need a parking space make sure ask about the cost of the space per month-some apartments will charge you double the rental space amount to cover the first and last months' rent.
Tip-If your building has free parking, and you drive or have a car, ask the landlord or owner about their policies when renting the space out. This is a great way to earn some extra cash, especially if your building is near a train station,or busy district.

38- If your moving out of the area ask your doctor, vet etc to recommend others in your new area that are well respected and known. They will always know.

39- Try to avoid moving in with friends-unless you already have lived with them and still love them to death.
It's puts and extra toll on the friendship and many that have lived with friends arnt friends with those people anymore.

40- Learn to cook! If you learn to cook a couple of really good,nice dishes then your set. Take-out (besides being disgusting and bad for your body) is expensive once you start having it every day- not to mention the fact that it's not worth your money to begin with.These days with this nifty little tool were using right are not far way.

41-Have a backup plan. Basically what you will do if you can't make it on your own. Work out where you can stay,and where your stuff can stay before you come to this bridge. 

42- Get to know your neighbours-even if its just a friendly "hello" every time you see them. Apart from the fact that you don't want to fight with them,It helps to know who's living next door-just in case anything happens.

43- Make sure that have a working fire alarm installed. Not only is it illegal not to but its for your safety!

44- So you've moved in, you have everything...oh crap the phone and Internet connection (i mean how else are you gonna read this blog =p)
Shop around. ask question.
There are some reasonable deals out there for connection packages-you just have to be nosy. =]

45- If your moving in by your self and you want a quick, cheap way to decorate-Lincraft or spotlight. Buy some paint or material and a canvas and go nuts. Its not going set your wall back decades and its your taste.
Tip- If your renting or leasing ask the landlord what you can and cannot do. Some are okay with hooks on the walls others arnt-its best to ask first. In door plants are great to for adding a bit of colour and life to your room.

46-Make sure that when your working out your budget-base it on your monthly income without bonus', overtime etc.
account for the unexpected but do so with the money that you know 100%that you'll have.

47- Make sure you know the nearest cross streets to your house,again just in case you need to call an ambulance, or a friend. trust me you need to know it.

48- If your moving in with someone your not friends with make sure you ask questions, ask for a reference and check it.
I may seem rude but again- its your safety.

49- *R-E-S-P-E-C-T All I'm askin' (oo)
Is for a little respect when you come home*
Easy to say (sing) sometimes hard to do-Remember if your living with people you didn't know before-you deserve respect and they should give it to you. thought it is a two way street.
Tip- can't handle the person you found to live with you? Seek legal advice,and if they get really to much speak to the police.

50- If your living with someone that you didn't know before (male or female) make sure that your friends and family know.
just in case. People can be really good at hiding the pshyco!

So there it is.
My 50 tips!
I'm not an expert in an way,
these are just things I've learnt.
I hope that you can take something away from it.
and that it makes your move a little easier.
It is scary but not as scary if you make the move and the decision knowing everything you can!.
If you haven't moved yet good luck.
if you have write some tips of your own below
(i fixed the comments so you can write now =])

This is part of a blog this challenge! (originally posted at 7.42pm-sorry had to edit it again)

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