Thursday, June 3, 2010

carring on...

So i had my Sex & the city fix yesterday...and despite what other people have blogged/said/commented etc about it, i enjoyed it! I laughed,and i had fun, i envied their wardrobes and felt sorry for Charlotte.I related to big and carries problems and i sympathized with Samantha.I loved it.not as much as the series or the first movie-but i still loved it.
But this wouldn't be an accurate review if i didn't tell you my disappointments-without given anything away..

I was a little disappointed that this movie didn't really give us anything new and that it wasn't set in NYC,its a huge part of who these women are-it's the fifth character and if you remember just before "burger" carries ex-lover! i understand that it was important to have them get away, but was it really necessary to but a damaged Charlotte,a bored Miranda,a menopausal Samantha,and a confused Carrie on a 14 hour plane to Abu Dhabi in the middle east?..seriously.

And with that..If Micheal Patrick king,needed them to be on the other side of the world ,he could have written a little cultural sensitivity into Samantha as well as Carrie.In saying that i do understand that that's the way Samantha is.But even some of the comments made by Carrie about traditional dress and customs where a little on 'the line' and having them escape in traditional dress! I don't think that they realised when they wrote it or shot it, that its actually highly offensive to wear the traditional Muslim dress if your not Muslim.

Many critics have said that there was a distinct lack of sex in this instalment and i agree there was really only one 5 sec scene at the end,and a whole lot of hint dropping that led no where, but its called sex and the city..its been praised over its years for being a feminist beckon and a source of (lets face it) female safe porn,thought understandably these women's lives have moved beyond just sex,Samantha's still alive and kicking!

The other thing that critics are not liking about the sequel is the actual story line its self..Now 3 of the 4 woman are married,2 of those 3 are mothers-their not going to be having sex with different men through out the movie!
Their going to be confronted and dealing with issues that normal every day married women and mothers deal with- which is exactly what they are.And if you don't like it then i don't understand you because $10 says that if you watched this movie your were a fan of the show, and if that's so then you probably cheered them on when they got married and cried when their children where born.

These women have indeed got what they all wanted, but at 20-something when you start wanting these dreams do you really fully understand the implication of getting these dreams?...the amount time,energy and commitment that goes into taking care of children,working,and having a happy marriage as well as a healthy social life, and the emotional toll it takes? no you don't.
These three woman are now 40- their just realising that the dreams that they are lucky enough to have come true arnt always painted in pastels anymore,and though your white knight is still a little shiny he has take-out stains on his armor and likes to watch TV on the couch.And as for Samantha's real issue-No matter what colour your skin,your marriage status or if you've had children or not-you will go through menopause. its like death-inevitable.

What these critics are forgetting is that this movie isn't a remake of the first season of the series!
These woman are in their 40's and 50's and their relationship status,commitments,goals and situation has changed!(even though their wardrobe is still fabulous!)
The other thing that their forgetting is that no matter how bad they say the movie is-the franchises billions of female and gay fans will see the movie,they may not all like it..but they will see matter what.
So you can tell us its shit-but as long as those four women are in it..and Patrica Fields is the stylist, we will still pull our most expensive looking shoes on, fork out the money and go see it.

As i said before...I loved it! and would happily see it again! =]


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