Friday, April 15, 2011

New Islamic Hijab Fashion Designs and Scarf Styles 2011

What style and fashion magazines do you read? I’m an avid fashion magazine reader and my favorites are InStyle, Lucky Magazine, and Vogue.

As I was browsing a magazine stand the other day in search of new issues I came across a magazine I’d never heard of before, Hijab Fashion. Have any of you heard of it or seen it before? Does anyone buy it regularly?

Intrigued, I picked it up and flipped through it. My first impression was that, “No one wears the hijab like that!” Then I thought about it and realized that there have been some very unusual trends lately in Kuwait with hijabs.

Here is an image of the magazine so you can recognize it the next time you’re at a magazine stand. The issue was filled with outlandish fashion, from Pakistani and Indian inspired Punjabi styles to bizarre scarves they had piled on top of their heads. They even offer a page of pictures that show you how to put together a particular hijab look.

I must admit that I thought the imitation Adidas 3abaya was interesting. I would buy one with light reflectors if I had to go walking late at night. From what I can tell, Hijab Fashion is published in Egypt.

New Islamic Hijab Fashion Designs and Scarf Styles 2011
New Islamic Hijab Fashion Designs and Scarf Styles 2011

New Islamic Hijab Fashion Designs and Scarf Styles 2011
New Islamic Hijab Fashion Designs and Scarf Styles 2011
Hijab Fashion-Hijab Fashion Tips
Hijab Fashion-Hijab Fashion Tips

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